Several DAIR team research presentations took place at the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) conference in Toronto, Ontario from June 23 to 25, 2023! Amanda Simundic (PhD candidate), Sohyun Cho (graduate research assistant), Julia Petrovic (PhD student), Julia Milad (master's student), and Giulia Riondino (undergraduate research assistant) delivered talks and poster presentations throughout the weekend (titles below). Sohyun was also awarded the third place Student Conference Contribution Award. Well done to all!
Amanda (talk): Non-suicidal self-injury among elementary-aged children: Educators' experiences and professional development needs
Sohyun (poster; Student Conference Contribution Award): University students’ satisfaction with online stress management: Does family-based stigma matter?
Julia P (poster): Beyond emotion regulation difficulties: A Self-Determination Theory perspective on emotion regulation, mindfulness, and nonsuicidal self-injury
Julia M (poster): "I honestly thought there was like no hope left for me in the meditation realm!": Informal mindfulness practice as a promising strategy for university students with recent self-injury
Giulia (poster): Emotion-focused coping self-efficacy as a critical factor in university stress for those with a history of nonsuicidal self-injury