The DAIR team celebrated a very successful convocation on June 1, 2023! Sandra Fournier graduated with a Master's in Education (M.Ed.) and Dr. Jessica Mettler graduated with a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology (Human Development program).
In addition, Dr. Jessica Mettler was awarded both the Governor General's Gold Medal as well as the McGill Alumni Association Graduate Award. Two Governor General's Gold Medals are presented each year by McGill University, on behalf of the Governor General of Canada, to the two most outstanding graduating master's or doctoral students (one in Human Sciences and one in Natural Sciences). The McGill Alumni Association Graduate Award is awarded by Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies to an outstanding graduate receiving the Governor General's Gold Medal.
Last but certainly not least, Dr. Nancy Heath was awarded the David Thomson Award for Graduate Supervision and Teaching. This award acknowledges outstanding contributions to promoting graduate student excellence through supervision and teaching by a faculty member who has been supervising for 10 years or more.
Congratulations to all on these exemplary achievements!